To finish with the topic of instruments, I’ll show you what I bought for my drill. I bought a Dremel drill a long time ago when I just started playing with making dolls and having a drill was a requirement. I knew nothing about drills but had heard about Dremel, so I bought it. I understood...
One of the most creative aspects of any art for me is looking for (and finding) new uses for usual objects. A hair rubber band becomes a marker for knitting, a hairpin starts pinning the row on the embroidery design, a needle and a crochet hook become sculpting instruments and glass bottles make...
The whole knife I bought this set about a year ago. Three holders and several knives. Everything was well until I started using them for more challenging tasks. Finally, the knife snapped in two when I was cutting through a thick layer of LaDoll. The broken...
Once I saw figures of animals decorated with beads that the Huichol people make I have been obsessed with this technique. They cover the surface of a wooden figure with bee wax and then push beads into the wax. I didn’t have any wax, so I used PVA glue instead. The base is a wooden vase and...
A felted toy – Bad Wolf This wolf was created for the person who “hooked” me on the “Doctor Who” shoe. I have a lot of things connected with that show but this wolf was first. Bad Wolf and his box He is dry felted (with a special needle) and has...
One day several years ago I got ill. Just a cold. Nothing serious. But I couldn’t go outside and didn’t have anything to do at home. What can one do in this situation? You can make eggshell mosaics! I already had eggs but couldn’t force myself to start the project. So I could say...
“Yokarny Babai” is a kind of mild swearing in Russian. “Babai” is Boogeyman. The first word is absolutely unique to this expression. I decided to make one. I looked it up and one of the theories stated that “Yokarny” comes from “yakorny” – an...
Let’s go back to what this blog started with – cartoons. Actually I wanted to share my two last creations. “Christmas Tree” got created literally in three days. I already had the intro and the cartoon itself is really short. Probably even shorter...
“And I went along the ledge, face to the wall…” There is a line in the play “Happy Underdog” – “Счастливый неудачник” (in Russian the name has nothing to do with dogs, it’s just funny how it all worked out in...
Here is one more object woven from a newspaper. Cross stitched decoration on the lid Woven boxes and caskets can be decorated with an embroidery. So if you, just like me, have a lot of embroideries and not enough wall space, this new hobby is right for you. But weaving the lid first...