Рубрика: all the rest, sculpting
Anchor Boogeyman
Опубликовано 09.04.2014 ·
На чтение: 1 мин
Post Views: 1,353
“Yokarny Babai” is a kind of mild swearing in Russian. “Babai” is Boogeyman. The first word is absolutely unique to this expression. I decided to make one.
I looked it up and one of the theories stated that “Yokarny” comes from “yakorny” – an adjective from the word “anchor”. And that this Anchor Boogeyman was a person who looked after the anchor on a ship. The theory is not very realistic but creates a vivid picutre. I used a lot of materials here: Jovi clay, yarn, felting wool, wire adn acrylic paints.
The Anchor Boogeyman and his anchor |
In the background you can see my very first oil painting. I made it long before the masterclass I have already written about.
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