Two More Cartoons

Let’s go back to what this blog started with – cartoons. Actually I wanted to share my two last creations.


“Christmas Tree” got created literally in three days. I already had the intro and the cartoon itself is really short. Probably even shorter than the intro. I use a very simple method – moving the points on the contours in Anime Studio. There is no frame by frame animation here. As well as in the next cartoon.
“Advertising” is a bit more sophisticated. Here I have a plot and a scene I am really proud of – the man turning his head. Backgrounds took a lot of time. I can’t say they are ideal, but I like them. Everything you see there is from my flat: the wallpaper, the frids and the view from the kitchen window.


All this was made a looooong time ago.
But I hope that I have enough energy, time, and willpower not to stop here.
Post Views: 390
Предыдущая запись One More Box Made of Newspaper Tubes
Следующая запись Business. A Painted Bag

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