One More Box Made of Newspaper Tubes

Шкатулка из газет
Newspaper Tube Box

I made the painting on fabric this box is decorated with a long time ago. It is painted with the same paints as the paintings with embroidery. And finally, I found how I can use this painting.

I have woven one more box from newspaper tubes. This one is a bit neater but there is still room for improvement. I painted it a cream shade. I didn’t dare paint it the final colour right away. It’s very light, I was afraid you would see through it. So first I used a layer of white acrylic.

I had a bucket of acrylic paint used in wall painting. I had suspected it will be different from the acrylic paints used in painting but hadn’t expected the difference to be so drastic. But I did it!

I decided not to cover the painting in varnish.

Here are some pictures before and after painting.

Крышечку надели
The lid is on
Крышечку сняли
The lid is off


Готовая шкатулка
The box is ready
Предыдущая запись Oil Painting
Следующая запись Two More Cartoons

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